
「健康快車慈善高爾夫球日」經已於 6月26日圓滿結束,活動籌得逾一百萬元善款,使「健康快車」的各項防盲治盲工作可以延續下去。除了感謝所有參賽球手和贊助商的支持,亦特別鳴謝慈善合作夥伴清水灣鄉村俱樂部的全力協辦,為是次活動提供活動場地及高爾夫球場、全數贊助果嶺費、球車費、午餐及晚宴。

Lifeline Express Charity Golf Day 2021 was successfully held at The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club on March 26th. The event has raised over HK$1million and all funds raised will go towards supporting Lifeline Express hospital eye-trains and its related services.

Thanks to all participants and sponsors who have contributed to the success of this event. Most importantly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our event partner, The Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club for fully sponsoring the golf course provision, green fee, golf cart fee, lunch and dinner.

Congratulations to our Winners !

Team Champion: Vitroguard by Kimbo International Holding Ltd

Edith Chan, Eric Tang, David Chung, Wilfred Lee

Team Runner Up: Chi Shun Investment

Irene Fong, Iris Chan, Cha Haeng Sin, Yasuko Lim

Gross Score Champion: Jonathan Lee

Net Score Champion: Salina Wong

Ladies’ Longest Drive: Tong Sui Luk Maria

Men’s Longest Drive: Jonathan Lee

Men & Ladies Mixed Nearest to the Pin: Ivan Leung

Best Dress for Ladies: Irene Fong

Best Dress for Men: Matthew Fong